Funtoo zone

Main differences between Funtoo and Macaroni OS #

1. Static UID/GID #

The system UID (user ID) and GID (group ID) of the major services are statically allocated and managed through the entities tool and his catalog. This helps to have a more linear installation between systems and help on share network filesystems like NFS.

It is possible to see the list of the available uid/gid with the following commands:

$> # Show list of all groups availables in our catalog
$> entities list groups --specs-dir /usr/share/macaroni/entities/

$> # Show list of all users available in our catalog
$> entities list users --specs-dir /usr/share/macaroni/entities/

$> # Show list of all shadow available in our catalog
$> entities list shadow --specs-dir /usr/share/macaroni/entities/

$> # Show list of all gshadow available in our catalog
$> entities list gshadow --specs-dir /usr/share/macaroni/entities/

$> # Show list of all groups configured in the current rootfs
$>  entities list groups

$> # Show list of all users configured in the current rootfs
$>  entities list users

The entities tool is a replacement of the classic adduser, gpasswd, etc.

2. Use flags not aligned to Funtoo Profiles #

Macaroni OS is a binaries-based distribution that wants to try to supply multiple DEs. To reach this target means that a lot of user flags must be enabled but without trying to inject unnecessary dependencies when possible. So, for this reason, the control of the use flags selected for every package is done by the anise-portage-converter tool that permits to override existing dependencies and/or elaborate dependencies based on the use flags defined in the anise-portage-converter specs. This permits great control of the compilation process but unfortunately, doesn’t permit it to maintain compatibility with the Funtoo profiles that are used to configure the use flags based on the needs of the users and their choice. This means that installing Macaroni’s packages and just using emerge could be not managed with a simple configuration of the Funtoo profiles and instead it’s highly probable that just trying to emerge the @world will ask for changes of the use flags used instead by Macaroni.

3. Split packages #

So, in order to support multiple use cases but with fewer dependencies injected we have some packages that have been split without having a 1:1 map with an ebuild. For example, the pinentry package installs additional binary when gtk/gnome use flag is enabled with the pinetry-gnome binary or with the qt use flag the pinentry-qt, etc. Thanks to our build process it’s very easy to assign the specific file to a specific package, but this package will be without portage metadata and instead, the use flags of the main pinentry package will be minimal.

4. Packages from scratch #

In addition, there are packages that are not related to a specific ebuild because the Macaroni build process permits building packages from scratch or through different Docker images as a base. These will be available in your system but not visible through the emerge tool, for example, the anise binary is compiled directly with Go without an ebuild.

5. Portage metadata optional #

The installation of the Portage metadata and the include files are optional, they are installed only when the subsets devel and portage are enabled. This permits users without the need to compile software to reduce space used in their filesystem.

The Portage package database under the directory /var/db/pkg is then used by the anise-portage-converter tool to compare packages updates with emerge that will be added in the Macaroni database with the scm repository and will be part of the Macaroni upgrades if the installed version will be elder or will be the same version available in Macaroni repository. In particular, in order to automatically install missing runtime dependencies the anise tool creates a hash will the requires of the analyzed package and if this hash is different from the hash of the installed package will be queued for the upgrade with the asterisk in the version (for example, *1.1.1). It’s possible that the injected package added from anise-portage-converter will have different requires of the Macaroni original specs; this is the reason because will be replaced. This could be avoided by masking the package.

6. etc-update and env-update implementation #

The Funtoo/Gentoo etc-update and env-update scripts are supplied by the sys-apps/portage package that requires Python to be installed with a lot of dependencies.

In order to reduce the installation of the packages for a Macaroni’s minimal image where Python is not something needed, for example considering CD/CI tasks, Macaroni implements the macaronictl etc-update that supplies an etc-update compliant command and as a replacer. It has a few differences that are more related to the interactive shell but for the rest, it’s pretty similar.

The same concept is applicable to the macaronictl env-update command that reimplements a Portage-compliant logic. The behavior is configurable, instead of updating every time the system and the (t)csh environment files, for these two the configuration is enabled respectively with the options --systemd and --csh.

7. Post-install/Post-remove commands #

In the Funtoo/Gentoo world where every package is compiled the ebuild file contains the instructions about how to compile the package supply yet the steps for the post-installation and post-remove. Macaroni divides completely the build process from the runtime/install phase and as described in the previous chapters the Portage metadata could not be present, like the kits. In Macaroni, the post-install and post-remove operations are managed by the finalizer that could be added in the anise specs over the YAML file finalize.yaml of the package. Due to the complexity of this phase, and because sometimes could be helpful to re-run the post-install steps we have created the tool whip that collects the instructions about what runs as a specific hook. The hook is a scripted list of commands to run.

The same hooks are used as post-install/pre-install steps or just like ready-to-use commands for particular example described in the next chapters about upgrading Funtoo 1.4 to Funtoo Next/Macaroni.

At the moment, it’s possible that some hooks could be missing and please, you open a PR or an issue if you find something.

8. Macaroni solver logic #

The Funtoo/Gentoo’s Portage solver always considers RDEPEND (runtime dependencies) as mandatory dependencies for the compilation of a package. We understand this choice, for example, this is needed for virtual package, the consequence is the ebuilds have some dependencies added as RDEPEND when could be more correct to have them as DEPEND for Macaroni. So, for these use cases, we override the dependencies through the anise-portage-converter specs.

Another big difference is that at the moment the anise solver doesn’t support the OR condition needed to supply alternative packages supply the same feature. This is been a design choice to try to maintain things more simple for the solver, a similar functionality could be handled by the provides and the mask feature. But it’s something that could be grown based on the use cases we need to support.

Third, the default behavior of the solver in the upgrading process is to select only packages with a greater version for speedup reasons. The downgrade is possible on adding --deep flag on upgrade command.

9. Kernel, initrd and extra modules #

At the moment we writing this documentation the kernels available to the Macaroni OS are based on vanilla, compiled over the Macaroni Terragon Release system but without generating Portage metadata. In order to handle automatically the upgrade of the branch release selected we don’t follow the Funtoo way where the slot of the kernel is based on the full version of the kernel. We understand the choice of Funtoo where the user has sufficient skill to manage the compilation of the kernel and a more precise tune, but it’s a bit more complex for a binary distribution to manage the automatic upgrade. So, all kernels and modules use as a package category with the name kernel-<branch-version> and the new versions of the category will replace the previous. So, the package kernel-5.10/macaroni-full-5.10.198 will be upgraded by the package kernel-5.10/macaroni-full-5.10.199, etc.

In a similar way, the extra kernel modules will be managed with the same logic the category but with the version of the module used, for example, for ZFS, the package will be kernel-5.10/zfs-kmod-2.2.0 and for new kernel release we will bump a new build version of the same package, for example, kernel-5.10/zfs-kmod-2.2.0+1.

About initrd, at the moment we use a custom initrd based of Golang u-root for the Macaroni ISO, and instead it’s used Dracut for the generation of the initrd images in the installed rootfs (Desktop and Server).

Upgrade Funtoo 1.4 to Funtoo Next with Macaroni #

Before beginning to describe how to upgrade a Funtoo 1.4 rootfs to a Funtoo Next rootfs I want to share that at the moment the Funtoo Community doesn’t support officially the upgrade of a Funtoo 1.4 environment to a Funtoo Next environment.

This means that this guide is not officially supported by Funtoo Community but it’s an experimental behavior about how Macaroni OS could be used to help Funtoo users in some particular operations.

Macaroni’s team does not suggest using this experimental process without specific tests and with a backup to recover the state of the previous system before the upgrade.

The second point to share before going ahead is that there are a few differences between Funtoo and Macaroni that will be available after this upgrade based on what is been described in the previous chapters. Any user who wants to add some more details about restoring a Funtoo complete state after this operation could add more information here by sending a PR.

Due the complexity of this workflow we have prepared a whip hook that could be used to speedup some upgrade process.

It’s also available in an asciinema stream that shows the steps to upgrade an LXD container with Funtoo 1.4 to a Macaroni Funtoo Next rootfs that we share hereinafter, too.

For this presentation we use an LXD container but the steps for a Desktop environment are pretty equal.

1. Create the LXD Funtoo 1.4 Container #

The official contains the Funtoo LXD images so we can launch the container with this command:

$> lxc launch -p default images:funtoo/1.4 test

NOTE: Funtoo 1.4 is no longer available on Incus Simplestreams Server. You can consider images:funtoo/1.4 an alias that describe the image with Funtoo 1.4.

We consider that the default profiles is configured correctly with a valid storage pool and a network interface where is enabled DHCP.

2. Install Macaroni PMS binary #

At the moment, the Macaroni PMS repository is luet but the installer creates already the symbolic link with the new name anise. The repository will be soon migrated with the new name.

$> curl | sh

3. Install Macaroni repositories #

In order to start the upgrade we need to install the Macaroni repositories. In this example, we use the Phoenix release but could be used the Terragon release too.

$> anise i -y  repository/macaroni-commons-testing repository/macaroni-phoenix-testing

4. Download the repositories metadata #

Before to download the repositories data, we want to share how it’s possible to mask a package available from different packages and to configure the solver to get only the package the user wants. For example, the package jq is available inside the mottainai-stable repository without Portage metadata, but it’s also available as package app-admin/jq with the Portage metadata and based on Funtoo ebuild. In this case, to force the second it’s possible mask the other in this way:

$> mkdir /etc/luet/mask.d
$> echo "
enabled: true
  - utils/jq::mottainai-stable
" > /etc/luet/mask.d/00-mask.yml

Another important thing to do before execute the upgrade is to enable the subsets devel and portage that are by default disabled.

$> anise subsets enable devel portage

and finally to start the repo update:

$> anise repo update

5. Install anise-portage-converter tool #

In order to upgrade the system we need to install the anise-portage-converter tool that will sync the list of the installed packages in the system of the Portage inside the anise database.

$> anise install -y anise-portage-converter app-misc/jq

6. Sync Portage to Anise database #

$> anise-portage-converter sync

eventually it’s possible to run the command with --dry-run to test the execution without update the anise database.

7. Install Macaroni tools #

We need to install the whip tool and the other stuff used in the Macaroni finalizer.

$> anise i -y whip whip-catalog entities whip-profiles/macaroni macaronictl-thin entities macaroni/entities-catalog

These packages could be removed at the end of the upgrade if you will use the rootfs only as Funtoo rootfs.

8. Start the upgrade #

Finally, we can start the upgrade and use the environment variable SKIP_GRUB=1 to skip the generation of the macaroni initrd and/or Grub setup.

It’s also available the variable SKIP_CLEANUP to avoid the clean of the anise cache with all downloaded packages. If for example, you want to run the same workflow in another node and copy the packages manually.

$> SKIP_GRUB=1 whip h macaroni.upgrade2funtoo-next

or for Desktop/Server filesystem:

$> whip h macaroni.upgrade2funtoo-next

9. Run macaronictl etc-update #

In the same way, you run etc-update in Funtoo you can run macaronictl etc-update and check what files merge and/or drop. But it’s also true that if you have installed the sys-apps/portage package you can use also the etc-update from Portage. The both can work together.

At the moment, there are known issues in anise that could generate extra diff: anise doesn’t support a CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK similar option. So, if it’s been configured the directory /etc as a protected directory, every file will be protected also on removing a package. But what has not been managed automatically from anise could be overridden with macaronictl etc-update with the option -m|--mask-path that permits to define of one or more additional mask paths.

$> macaronictl etc-update --help
handle configuration file updates and automatically
merge the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK files.

$> macaronictl etc-update

   etc-update [flags]

  etc-update, etc

  -h, --help                    help for etc-update
  -m, --mask-path stringArray   Define one or more additional mask paths (CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK).
  -p, --path stringArray        Scan one or more specific paths (CONFIG_PROTECT).
      --rootfs string           Override the default path where run etc-update. (experimental) (default "/")

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Macaronictl configuration file
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.

So, running the command will be show an interactive shell to understand what files merge or drop:

$> macaronictl etc-update
Scanning Configuration files... 
File ._cfg0001_sshd_config is an orphan. Removing it directly...
File ._cfg0002_sshd_config is an orphan. Removing it directly...
Automerging file /etc/ca-certificates.conf config protect masked.
Automerging file /etc/os-release config protect masked.
The following is the list of files which need updating, each
configuration file is followed by a list of possible replacement files.

[  1] /etc/env.d/50baselayout
[  2] /etc/init.d/devfs
[  3] /etc/init.d/dhcpcd
[  4] /etc/init.d/s6-svscan
[  5] /etc/netif.d/dhclient
[  6] /etc/ego.conf
[  7] /etc/init.d/numlock
[  8] /etc/terminfo/s/screen
[  9] /etc/rc.conf
[ 10] /etc/init.d/agetty
[ 11] /etc/ssh/moduli
[ 12] /etc/terminfo/s/screen-256color
[ 13] /etc/dhcpcd.conf
[ 14] /etc/init.d/cgroups
[ 15] /etc/init.d/hwclock
[ 16] /etc/init.d/localmount
[ 17] /etc/init.d/modules
[ 18] /etc/init.d/osclock
[ 19] /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-apps/busybox-1.36.0
[ 20] /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf
[ 21] /etc/init.d/bootmisc
[ 22] /etc/terminfo/x/xterm-color
[ 23] /etc/terminfo/s/screen.xterm-256color
[ 24] /etc/issue
[ 25] /etc/terminfo/x/xterm
[ 26] /etc/terminfo/x/xterm-256color

[ -1] to exit
[ -3] to auto merge all files
[ -7] to discard all updates

Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number.
	(don't use -3 or -7 if you're ensure what to do):

One of the differences between macaronictl etc-update and etc-update is that the file number is reset when a specific file is been managed, this permits to use of the number 1 always until the files are been all processed.

For example, the files under /etc/terminfo/ normally must be merged and will be soon managed as CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK when the feature will present in the anise software.

10. Run macaronictl env-update #

This command updates the /etc/profile.env and regenerates the file like the Funtoo env-update command:

$> macaronictl env-update
>>> Generating /etc/profile.env...
>>> Generating /etc/
>>> Regenerating /etc/

11. Verify the linking of the installed files #

It’s available a whip hook that permits to verify if there are libraries or binaries with links to no more available libraries.

It’s a good idea to run this command on every upgrade:

$> whip h linking.check
Checking directory /usr/lib64...
Checking directory /usr/lib...
Checking directory /usr/bin...
Checking directory /bin...
Checking directory /usr/sbin...
Checking directory /usr/libexec...
[linking.check] Completed correctly.

The directories checked by default are these:

  • /usr/lib64
  • /usr/lib
  • /usr/bin
  • /bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /usr/libexec

But could be changed overriding the environment variable DIRS:

$> DIRS="/usr/lib64" whip h linking.check

12. Remove orphans packages #

When the upgrade is ended, it’s possible check what packages installed are no more available in the Macaroni repositories that could be removed through the anise query orphans command:

# anise q orphans
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿง  Searching for orphans packages...

The debian-sources package will be always see as orphans for the reasons described before. Any user could choice what packages remove or leave.

For the example we want to leave only packages available in Macaroni to the steps will be:

$> # Removing all python 2.7 packages...
$> anise rm -y $(anise s compat --installed)
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ”ช [  1 of  13] [D] dev-python/chardet-compat::scm                                - 4.0.0
๐Ÿ”ช [  2 of  13] [D] dev-python/cryptography-compat::scm                           - 3.3.2
๐Ÿ”ช [  3 of  13] [D] dev-python/idna-compat::scm                                   - 2.9
๐Ÿ”ช [  4 of  13] [D] dev-python/importlib_metadata-compat::scm                     - 2.1.1
๐Ÿ”ช [  5 of  13] [D] dev-python/mwparserfromhell-compat::scm                       - 0.5.4
๐Ÿ”ช [  6 of  13] [D] dev-python/packaging-compat::scm                              - 20.9
๐Ÿ”ช [  7 of  13] [D] dev-python/pygments-compat::scm                               - 2.5.2
๐Ÿ”ช [  8 of  13] [D] dev-python/pyopenssl-compat::scm                              - 21.0.0
๐Ÿ”ช [  9 of  13] [D] dev-python/requests-compat::scm                               - 2.27.1
๐Ÿ”ช [ 10 of  13] [D] dev-python/setuptools-compat::scm                             - 44.1.1
๐Ÿ”ช [ 11 of  13] [D] dev-python/setuptools_scm-compat::scm                         - 5.0.2
๐Ÿ”ช [ 12 of  13] [D] dev-python/wheel-compat::scm                                  - 0.37.1
๐Ÿ”ช [ 13 of  13] [D] dev-python/zipp-compat::scm                                   - 1.2.0
โ™ป๏ธ [  1 of  13] dev-python/chardet-compat::scm                                    - 4.0.0           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  2 of  13] dev-python/cryptography-compat::scm                               - 3.3.2           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  3 of  13] dev-python/idna-compat::scm                                       - 2.9             # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  4 of  13] dev-python/importlib_metadata-compat::scm                         - 2.1.1           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  5 of  13] dev-python/mwparserfromhell-compat::scm                           - 0.5.4           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  6 of  13] dev-python/packaging-compat::scm                                  - 20.9            # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  7 of  13] dev-python/pygments-compat::scm                                   - 2.5.2           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  8 of  13] dev-python/pyopenssl-compat::scm                                  - 21.0.0          # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  9 of  13] dev-python/requests-compat::scm                                   - 2.27.1          # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [ 10 of  13] dev-python/setuptools-compat::scm                                 - 44.1.1          # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [ 11 of  13] dev-python/setuptools_scm-compat::scm                             - 5.0.2           # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [ 12 of  13] dev-python/wheel-compat::scm                                      - 0.37.1          # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [ 13 of  13] dev-python/zipp-compat::scm                                       - 1.2.0           # uninstalled โœ” 

and later removing the old GCC and Python versions, etc.:

$> anise rm -y dev-python/configparser dev-python/enum34 \
   sys-kernel-debian-sources-6.3.7_p1/debian-sources dev-lang-3.7/python \
   sys-devel-9.2.0/gcc dev-lang-2.7/python sys-devel/binutils-config

13. Reboot and starting to play with Funtoo ๐ŸŽŠ #

The job is done! The container is been upgraded.

$> reboot

and later begin with the Funtoo fun:

$> ego sync

Integrate Funtoo Next rootfs with Macaroni #

Hereinafter will be shared the steps needed to integrate Macaroni into an existing Funtoo Next filesystem and get the power from both worlds.

The Funtoo Community doesn’t support officially issues from filesystems that don’t follow the Wolf Pack Philosophy, so before opening issues about errors on emerging packages from Funtoo Kits you need to be sure that the issue is easily reproducible from the Funtoo Developers Team. Unlucky, due to the different processes of the Macaroni build tools and the dynamic build process managed by the anise-portage-converter tool isn’t so easy to follow a logic based on Funtoo profiles as described in the previous chapters.

Like described for the Funtoo 1.4 upgrade we use an LXD container to describe the steps to integrate Macaroni OS to a Funtoo Next filesytem.

1. Create the LXD Funtoo Next Container #

The official contains the Funtoo LXD images so we could launch the container with this command:

$> lxc launch -p default macaroni:funtoo/next-stage3 test
$> # or using Incus
$> incus launch -p default macaroni:funtoo/next-stage3 test

We consider that the default profiles is configured correctly with a valid storage pool and a network interface where is enabled DHCP.

2. Install Macaroni PMS binary #

At the moment, the Macaroni PMS repository is luet but the installer creates already the symbolic link with the new name anise. The repository will be soon migrated with the new name.

$> curl | sh

3. Install Macaroni repositories #

In order to start the upgrade we need to install the Macaroni repositories. In this example, we use the Phoenix release but could be used the Terragon release too.

$> anise i -y  repository/macaroni-commons-testing repository/macaroni-phoenix-testing

4. Download the repositories metadata #

Before to download the repositories data, we want to share how it’s possible to mask a package available from different packages and to configure the solver to get only the package the user wants. For example, the package jq is available inside the mottainai-stable repository without Portage metadata, but it’s also available as package app-admin/jq with the Portage metadata and based on Funtoo ebuild. In this case, to force the second it’s possible mask the other in this way:

$> mkdir /etc/luet/mask.d
$> echo "
enabled: true
  - utils/jq::mottainai-stable
" > /etc/luet/mask.d/00-mask.yml

Another important thing to do before execute the upgrade is to enable the subsets devel and portage that are by default disabled.

$> anise subsets enable devel portage

and finally to start the repo update:

$> anise repo update

5. Install anise-portage-converter tool #

In order to upgrade the system we need to install the anise-portage-converter tool that will sync the list of the installed packages in the system of the Portage inside the anise database.

$> anise install -y anise-portage-converter app-misc/jq

6. Sync Portage to Anise database #

$> anise-portage-converter sync

eventually it’s possible to run the command with --dry-run to test the execution without update the anise database.

7. Install Macaroni tools #

We need to install the whip tool and the other stuff used in the Macaroni finalizer.

$> anise i -y whip whip-catalog entities whip-profiles/macaroni macaronictl-thin entities macaroni/entities-catalog

These packages could be removed at the end of the upgrade if you will use the rootfs only as Funtoo rootfs.

8. Start the upgrade #

Finally, we can start the upgrade and use the environment variable SKIP_GRUB=1 to skip the generation of the macaroni initrd and/or Grub setup.

It’s also available the variable SKIP_CLEANUP to avoid the clean of the anise cache with all downloaded packages. If for example, you want to run the same workflow in another node and copy the packages manually.

$> SKIP_GRUB=1 whip h macaroni.funtoo2macaroni

or for Desktop/Server filesystem:

$> whip h macaroni.funtoo2macaroni

9. Run macaronictl etc-update #

In the same way, you run etc-update in Funtoo you can run macaronictl etc-update and check what files merge and/or drop. But it’s also true that if you have installed the sys-apps/portage package you can use also the etc-update from Portage. The both can work together.

At the moment, there are known issues in anise that could generate extra diff: anise doesn’t support a CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK similar option. So, if it’s been configured the directory /etc as a protected directory, every file will be protected also on removing a package. But what has not been managed automatically from anise could be overridden with macaronictl etc-update with the option -m|--mask-path that permits to define of one or more additional mask paths.

$> macaronictl etc-update --help
handle configuration file updates and automatically
merge the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK files.

$> macaronictl etc-update

   etc-update [flags]

  etc-update, etc

  -h, --help                    help for etc-update
  -m, --mask-path stringArray   Define one or more additional mask paths (CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK).
  -p, --path stringArray        Scan one or more specific paths (CONFIG_PROTECT).
      --rootfs string           Override the default path where run etc-update. (experimental) (default "/")

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Macaronictl configuration file
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.

So, running the command will be show an interactive shell to understand what files merge or drop:

$> macaronictl etc-update
Scanning Configuration files...
Automerging file /etc/os-release config protect masked.
Automerging file /etc/ca-certificates.conf config protect masked.
The following is the list of files which need updating, each
configuration file is followed by a list of possible replacement files.

[  1] /etc/env.d/50baselayout
[  2] /etc/netif.d/dhclient
[  3] /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-apps/busybox-1.36.0
[  4] /etc/issue

[ -1] to exit
[ -3] to auto merge all files
[ -7] to discard all updates

Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number.
	(don't use -3 or -7 if you're ensure what to do): -3
File /etc/env.d/50baselayout replaced by new file.
File /etc/env.d/50baselayout replaced by new file.
File /etc/netif.d/dhclient replaced by new file.
File /etc/netif.d/dhclient replaced by new file.
File /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-apps/busybox-1.36.0 replaced by new file.
File /etc/portage/savedconfig/sys-apps/busybox-1.36.0 replaced by new file.
File /etc/issue replaced by new file.
File /etc/issue replaced by new file.
Nothing left to do; exiting. :)

One of the differences between macaronictl etc-update and etc-update is that the file number is reset when a specific file is been managed, this permits to use of the number 1 always until the files are been all processed.

For example, the files under /etc/terminfo/ normally must be merged and will be soon managed as CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK when the feature will present in the anise software.

10. Run macaronictl env-update #

This command updates the /etc/profile.env and regenerates the file like the Funtoo env-update command:

$> macaronictl env-update
>>> Generating /etc/profile.env...
>>> Generating /etc/
>>> Regenerating /etc/

11. Verify the linking of the installed files #

It’s available a whip hook that permits to verify if there are libraries or binaries with links to no more available libraries.

It’s a good idea to run this command on every upgrade:

$> whip h linking.check
Checking directory /usr/lib64...
Checking directory /usr/lib...
Checking directory /usr/bin...
Checking directory /bin...
Checking directory /usr/sbin...
Checking directory /usr/libexec...
[linking.check] Completed correctly.

The directories checked by default are these:

  • /usr/lib64
  • /usr/lib
  • /usr/bin
  • /bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /usr/libexec

But could be changed overriding the environment variable DIRS:

$> DIRS="/usr/lib64" whip h linking.check

12. Remove orphans packages #

When the upgrade is ended, it’s possible check what packages installed are no more available in the Macaroni repositories that could be removed through the anise query orphans command:

$> anise q orphans
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:31:44 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿง  Searching for orphans packages...

In this moment, Macaroni OS uses GCC 11 but we will add GCC 12 on Terragon release in the near future.

The debian-sources package will be always see as orphans for the reasons described before. Any user could choice what packages remove or leave.

$> anise rm -y sys-devel-12.3.0/gcc sys-kernel-debian-sources-6.4.13_p1-r1/debian-sources
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:31:44 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ”ช [  1 of   2] [D] sys-devel-12.3.0/gcc::scm                                     - 12.3.0
๐Ÿ”ช [  2 of   2] [D] sys-kernel-debian-sources-6.4.13_p1-r1/debian-sources::scm    - 6.4.13
โ™ป๏ธ [  1 of   2] sys-devel-12.3.0/gcc::scm                                         - 12.3.0          # uninstalled โœ” 
โ™ป๏ธ [  2 of   2] sys-kernel-debian-sources-6.4.13_p1-r1/debian-sources::scm        - 6.4.13          # uninstalled โœ”

13. Reboot and starting to play with Funtoo ๐ŸŽŠ #

The job is done! The container is been integrated with Macaroni PMS.

$> reboot

You can install the Macaroni OS metadata with the specific version with:

$> anise i -y meta-repo 

or to use Funtoo way:

$> ego sync

Note: after upgrade the system it’s better setup GCC with:

$> gcc-config 1
* Switching native-compiler to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-11.3.0 ...           [ ok ]

Using Funtoo Kits in Macaroni #

We want describe how it’s possible to use the Funtoo Portage and emerge in Macaroni and merge packages to anise database.

Inside the Macaroni repository we supply a freezed tree of all Funtoo kits that is been used to build the packages availables. If you want just add packages that at the moment aren’t present in the Macaroni tree could be a good idea using the same tree else you can follow the Funtoo pattern and to run ego sync.

1. Verify anise subsets configuration #

Before starting on this it’s mandatory that your system is been installed with the devel and portage subsets.

This the command that permits to verify this condition:

$> anise subsets list
๐Ÿจ Subsets enabled:
 * portage
   Portage metadata and files.

 * devel
   Includes and devel files. Needed for compilation.

 * desktop

If these subsets aren’t present means that you choice to install the release not devel. But this is not an issue you can change the subsets on the road and we have prepared a whip hook that helps on this.

So, to enable these subsets you need to execute this command:

$> ansie subsets enable devel portage
Subsets devel portage enabled โœ” .

So, ONLY if the subsets wasn’t enabled you need to execute this command:

$> whip h macaroni.apply-subsets

2. Install the packages needed to use Portage and Funtoo stuff #

It’s possible that some packages defined in this list will be already present if you have installed the devel ISOs but eventually, you will see the warning message that the package is already installed.

$> anise install elt-patches patch autoconf-archive gcc-config diffutils binutils \
    binutils-libs which make portage metatools ego
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/diffutils already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-devel-2.40/binutils already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-libs/binutils-libs already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/which already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/portage already installed.
๐Ÿง  Solving install tree...
๐Ÿฆ [  1 of  42] [N] app-admin/ego::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 2.8.7+1
๐Ÿฆ [  2 of  42] [N] app-arch/unzip::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 6.0+1
๐Ÿฆ [  3 of  42] [N] app-portage/elt-patches::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 20170826.1+1
๐Ÿฆ [  4 of  42] [N] dev-libs/libyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.2.5
๐Ÿฆ [  5 of  42] [N] dev-python/aiofiles::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 23.2.1
๐Ÿฆ [  6 of  42] [N] dev-python/anyio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 4.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [  7 of  42] [N] dev-python/async-generator::macaroni-phoenix-testing          - 1.10
๐Ÿฆ [  8 of  42] [N] dev-python/beautifulsoup::macaroni-phoenix-testing            - 4.12.2
๐Ÿฆ [  9 of  42] [N] dev-python/certifi::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 10001
๐Ÿฆ [ 10 of  42] [N] dev-python/colorama::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 0.4.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 11 of  42] [N] dev-python/curio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 1.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 12 of  42] [N] dev-python/cython::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 0.29.36
๐Ÿฆ [ 13 of  42] [N] dev-python/dict-toolbox::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 5.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 14 of  42] [N] dev-python/exceptiongroup::macaroni-phoenix-testing           - 1.1.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 15 of  42] [N] dev-python/h11::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 0.14.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 16 of  42] [N] dev-python/h2::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 4.1.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 17 of  42] [N] dev-python/hpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 4.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 18 of  42] [N] dev-python/httpcore::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 1.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 19 of  42] [N] dev-python/httpx::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.25.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 20 of  42] [N] dev-python/hyperframe::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 6.0.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 21 of  42] [N] dev-python/idna::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 3.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 22 of  42] [N] dev-python/msgpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.0.7+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 23 of  42] [N] dev-python/outcome::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.2.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 24 of  42] [N] dev-python/psutil::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 5.9.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 25 of  42] [N] dev-python/py::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 1.11.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 26 of  42] [N] dev-python/pykerberos::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 1.2.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 27 of  42] [N] dev-python/pymongo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 4.5.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 28 of  42] [N] dev-python/pyyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 6.0.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 29 of  42] [N] dev-python/pyzmq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 25.1.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 30 of  42] [N] dev-python/rich::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 13.6.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 31 of  42] [N] dev-python/sniffio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.3.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 32 of  42] [N] dev-python/sortedcontainers::macaroni-phoenix-testing         - 2.4.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 33 of  42] [N] dev-python/soupsieve::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 2.3.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 34 of  42] [N] dev-python/trio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.22.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 35 of  42] [N] dev-python/xmltodict::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 0.13.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 36 of  42] [N] dev-util/meson::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.2.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 37 of  42] [N] net-libs/zeromq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 4.3.5
๐Ÿฆ [ 38 of  42] [N] sys-apps/metatools::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.3.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 39 of  42] [N] sys-devel/autoconf-archive::macaroni-phoenix-testing          - 2021.02.19
๐Ÿฆ [ 40 of  42] [N] sys-devel/gcc-config::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 2.4+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 41 of  42] [N] sys-devel/make::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 4.2.1+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 42 of  42] [N] sys-devel/patch::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 2.7.6+1
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 455608 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]:
# anise install elt-patches patch autoconf-archive gcc-config diffutils binutils \
    binutils-libs which make portage metatools ego
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/diffutils already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-devel-2.40/binutils already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-libs/binutils-libs already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/which already installed.
๐Ÿšง  warning sys-apps/portage already installed.
๐Ÿง  Solving install tree...
๐Ÿฆ [  1 of  42] [N] app-admin/ego::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 2.8.7+1
๐Ÿฆ [  2 of  42] [N] app-arch/unzip::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 6.0+1
๐Ÿฆ [  3 of  42] [N] app-portage/elt-patches::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 20170826.1+1
๐Ÿฆ [  4 of  42] [N] dev-libs/libyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.2.5
๐Ÿฆ [  5 of  42] [N] dev-python/aiofiles::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 23.2.1
๐Ÿฆ [  6 of  42] [N] dev-python/anyio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 4.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [  7 of  42] [N] dev-python/async-generator::macaroni-phoenix-testing          - 1.10
๐Ÿฆ [  8 of  42] [N] dev-python/beautifulsoup::macaroni-phoenix-testing            - 4.12.2
๐Ÿฆ [  9 of  42] [N] dev-python/certifi::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 10001
๐Ÿฆ [ 10 of  42] [N] dev-python/colorama::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 0.4.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 11 of  42] [N] dev-python/curio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 1.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 12 of  42] [N] dev-python/cython::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 0.29.36
๐Ÿฆ [ 13 of  42] [N] dev-python/dict-toolbox::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 5.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 14 of  42] [N] dev-python/exceptiongroup::macaroni-phoenix-testing           - 1.1.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 15 of  42] [N] dev-python/h11::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 0.14.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 16 of  42] [N] dev-python/h2::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 4.1.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 17 of  42] [N] dev-python/hpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 4.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 18 of  42] [N] dev-python/httpcore::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 1.0.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 19 of  42] [N] dev-python/httpx::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.25.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 20 of  42] [N] dev-python/hyperframe::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 6.0.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 21 of  42] [N] dev-python/idna::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 3.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 22 of  42] [N] dev-python/msgpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.0.7+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 23 of  42] [N] dev-python/outcome::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.2.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 24 of  42] [N] dev-python/psutil::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 5.9.6
๐Ÿฆ [ 25 of  42] [N] dev-python/py::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 1.11.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 26 of  42] [N] dev-python/pykerberos::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 1.2.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 27 of  42] [N] dev-python/pymongo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 4.5.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 28 of  42] [N] dev-python/pyyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 6.0.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 29 of  42] [N] dev-python/pyzmq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 25.1.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 30 of  42] [N] dev-python/rich::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 13.6.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 31 of  42] [N] dev-python/sniffio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.3.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 32 of  42] [N] dev-python/sortedcontainers::macaroni-phoenix-testing         - 2.4.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 33 of  42] [N] dev-python/soupsieve::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 2.3.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 34 of  42] [N] dev-python/trio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.22.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 35 of  42] [N] dev-python/xmltodict::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 0.13.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 36 of  42] [N] dev-util/meson::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.2.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 37 of  42] [N] net-libs/zeromq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 4.3.5
๐Ÿฆ [ 38 of  42] [N] sys-apps/metatools::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.3.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 39 of  42] [N] sys-devel/autoconf-archive::macaroni-phoenix-testing          - 2021.02.19
๐Ÿฆ [ 40 of  42] [N] sys-devel/gcc-config::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 2.4+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 41 of  42] [N] sys-devel/make::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 4.2.1+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 42 of  42] [N] sys-devel/patch::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 2.7.6+1
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 455608 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: y
๐Ÿšš Downloading 42 packages...
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  1 of  42] dev-python/httpcore::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 1.0.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  2 of  42] dev-python/pykerberos::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 1.2.1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  3 of  42] dev-python/rich::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 13.6.0          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  4 of  42] dev-python/xmltodict::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.13.0          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  5 of  42] dev-python/aiofiles::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 23.2.1          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  6 of  42] dev-python/cython::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 0.29.36         # downloaded โœ”
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  7 of  42] dev-python/pyyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 6.0.1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  8 of  42] dev-python/outcome::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.2.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  9 of  42] net-libs/zeromq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 4.3.5           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 10 of  42] dev-python/pyzmq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 25.1.1          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 11 of  42] sys-devel/make::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 4.2.1+1         # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 12 of  42] dev-python/soupsieve::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 2.3.1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 13 of  42] dev-python/colorama::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.4.6           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 14 of  42] dev-python/trio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 0.22.2          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 15 of  42] dev-python/certifi::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 10001           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 16 of  42] app-admin/ego::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 2.8.7+1         # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 17 of  42] dev-python/dict-toolbox::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 5.0.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 18 of  42] dev-python/hyperframe::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 6.0.1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 19 of  42] sys-apps/metatools::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.3.4           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 20 of  42] dev-python/h11::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 0.14.0          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 21 of  42] dev-python/psutil::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 5.9.6           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 22 of  42] dev-python/pymongo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 4.5.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 23 of  42] dev-util/meson::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 1.2.2           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 24 of  42] app-portage/elt-patches::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 20170826.1+1    # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 25 of  42] app-arch/unzip::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 6.0+1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 26 of  42] dev-python/idna::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 3.4             # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 27 of  42] dev-python/sortedcontainers::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 2.4.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 28 of  42] dev-libs/libyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 0.2.5           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 29 of  42] dev-python/msgpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.0.7+1         # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 30 of  42] dev-python/h2::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 4.1.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 31 of  42] dev-python/py::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 1.11.0          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 32 of  42] sys-devel/patch::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 2.7.6+1         # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 33 of  42] dev-python/curio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 1.6             # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 34 of  42] dev-python/async-generator::macaroni-phoenix-testing              - 1.10            # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 35 of  42] dev-python/anyio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 4.0.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 36 of  42] dev-python/httpx::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 0.25.0          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 37 of  42] sys-devel/autoconf-archive::macaroni-phoenix-testing              - 2021.02.19      # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 38 of  42] sys-devel/gcc-config::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 2.4+1           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 39 of  42] dev-python/beautifulsoup::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 4.12.2          # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 40 of  42] dev-python/exceptiongroup::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 1.1.2           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 41 of  42] dev-python/sniffio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.3.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿ“ฆ [ 42 of  42] dev-python/hpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 4.0.0           # downloaded โœ” 
๐Ÿง  Sorting 42 packages operations...
๐Ÿป Executing 42 packages operations...
๐Ÿฐ [  1 of  42] app-admin/ego::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 2.8.7+1         # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  2 of  42] app-arch/unzip::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 6.0+1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  3 of  42] app-portage/elt-patches::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 20170826.1+1    # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  4 of  42] dev-libs/libyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 0.2.5           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  5 of  42] dev-python/aiofiles::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 23.2.1          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  6 of  42] dev-python/async-generator::macaroni-phoenix-testing              - 1.10            # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  7 of  42] dev-python/certifi::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 10001           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  8 of  42] dev-python/colorama::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.4.6           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  9 of  42] dev-python/curio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 1.6             # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 10 of  42] dev-python/cython::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 0.29.36         # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 11 of  42] dev-python/exceptiongroup::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 1.1.2           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 12 of  42] dev-python/h11::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 0.14.0          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 13 of  42] dev-python/hpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 4.0.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 14 of  42] dev-python/hyperframe::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 6.0.1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 15 of  42] dev-python/idna::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 3.4             # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 16 of  42] dev-python/msgpack::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.0.7+1         # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 17 of  42] dev-python/outcome::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.2.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 18 of  42] dev-python/psutil::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 5.9.6           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 19 of  42] dev-python/py::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 1.11.0          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 20 of  42] dev-python/pykerberos::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 1.2.1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 21 of  42] dev-python/rich::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 13.6.0          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 22 of  42] dev-python/sniffio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.3.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 23 of  42] dev-python/sortedcontainers::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 2.4.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 24 of  42] dev-python/soupsieve::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 2.3.1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 25 of  42] dev-python/xmltodict::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.13.0          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 26 of  42] dev-util/meson::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 1.2.2           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 27 of  42] net-libs/zeromq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 4.3.5           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 28 of  42] sys-devel/autoconf-archive::macaroni-phoenix-testing              - 2021.02.19      # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 29 of  42] sys-devel/gcc-config::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 2.4+1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 30 of  42] sys-devel/make::macaroni-phoenix-testing                          - 4.2.1+1         # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 31 of  42] sys-devel/patch::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 2.7.6+1         # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 32 of  42] dev-python/beautifulsoup::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 4.12.2          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 33 of  42] dev-python/pymongo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 4.5.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 34 of  42] dev-python/h2::macaroni-phoenix-testing                           - 4.1.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 35 of  42] dev-python/pyyaml::macaroni-phoenix-testing                       - 6.0.1           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 36 of  42] dev-python/pyzmq::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 25.1.1          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 37 of  42] dev-python/dict-toolbox::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 5.0.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 38 of  42] dev-python/trio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                         - 0.22.2          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 39 of  42] dev-python/anyio::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 4.0.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 40 of  42] dev-python/httpcore::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 1.0.0           # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 41 of  42] dev-python/httpx::macaroni-phoenix-testing                        - 0.25.0          # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [ 42 of  42] sys-apps/metatools::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 1.3.4           # installed โœ” 
Executing finalizer for app-admin/ego-2.8.7+1
๐Ÿš  Executing finalizer on  / /bin/bash [-c entities merge --specs-dir /usr/share/macaroni/entities/ -e sync]
Merged users sync.
Merged shadow sync.
All done.

๐ŸŽŠ All done.

The package to install with the Funtoo kits used in the buiding process is this, and eventually you can install it inside the previous command:

$> anise i meta-repo meta-geaaru-kit
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿง  Solving install tree...
๐Ÿฆ [  1 of   2] [N] toolchain/meta-geaaru-kit::macaroni-phoenix-testing           - 0.20231025
๐Ÿฆ [  2 of   2] [N] toolchain/meta-repo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 0.20231017
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 282713 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: y
๐Ÿšš Downloading 2 packages...
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  1 of   2] toolchain/meta-geaaru-kit::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 0.20231025      # downloaded โœ”
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  2 of   2] toolchain/meta-repo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.20231017      # downloaded โœ”
๐Ÿง  Sorting 2 packages operations...
๐Ÿป Executing 2 packages operations...
๐Ÿฐ [  1 of   2] toolchain/meta-geaaru-kit::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 0.20231025      # installed โœ” 
๐Ÿฐ [  2 of   2] toolchain/meta-repo::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.20231017      # installed โœ” 
๐ŸŽŠ All done.

We suggest installing the extra kit geaaru-kit because the same ebuilds with patches are released there before opening a PR to the Funtoo community or there are packages that follow a different release pipeline like LXD.

NOTE: The virtual/base package (already available) installs in the finalize the file /etc/portage/make.conf with the only variable CHOST because without it and without the setup of the profiles the emerge doesn’t work correctly.

$> cat /etc/portage/make.conf

You are free to modify it if you need.

3. Configure GCC #

$> gcc-config 1
 * Switching native-compiler to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-11.3.0 ...
>>> Regenerating /etc/                                 [ ok ]

 * If you intend to use the gcc from the new profile in an already
 * running shell, please remember to do:

 *   . /etc/profile

$> source /etc/profile

4. Play with emerge #

You can now play with emerge as you do in Funtoo.

Playing with emerge you could be in the case where the installation of a package require a lot of dependencies that are missing. In this case, you can just check with --pretend option what packages are candidates for installation and use anise to install them and just leave the package you need for the compilation, or just compile everything.

This a little tip to use emerge to get the list of the dependencies to install and through pkgs-checker and jq convert the gentoo package string and retrieve the package name. It’s just an example, we will have a finer integration with anise-portage-converter soon.

So, for example if we want to emerge the app-admin/cloud-init package and the --pretend output is this:

$> emerge cloud-init -pv --onlydeps 

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N     ] net-analyzer/macchanger-1.7.0-r1::net-kit  388 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/jsonpointer-2.4::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 10 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/chardet-5.2.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 2,022 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/urllib3-1.26.15-r2::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 295 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/charset_normalizer-3.3.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 102 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/pyopenssl-23.2.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 181 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/semantic_version-2.10.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 52 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/installer-0.5.1-r1::python-modules-kit  USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 900 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/pyjwt-2.8.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 77 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/blinker-1.6.3::python-modules-kit  USE="-doc -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 28 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] virtual/python-enum34-2::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 0 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] virtual/python-ipaddress-1.0-r1::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 0 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/pyserial-3.4::python-modules-kit  USE="-doc -examples" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 149 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/configobj-5.0.8::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 38 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] sys-fs/growpart-0.0.30::core-kit  8 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/gpep517-15::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 20 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] app-admin/metalog-20200113::core-kit  USE="unicode" 40 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/jsonpatch-1.23::python-modules-kit  USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 18 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/flit_core-3.9.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 41 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] virtual/logger-0-r1::core-kit  0 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/wheel-0.41.2::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 96 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/setuptools-rust-1.7.0::python-modules-kit  PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 297 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/cryptography-41.0.4::python-modules-kit  USE="-debug -idna -libressl" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 10,196 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/oauthlib-3.0.1::python-modules-kit  USE="-test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 146 KiB
[ebuild  N     ] dev-python/requests-2.31.0::python-modules-kit  USE="ssl -socks5" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -pypy3 -python2_7 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 109 KiB

Total: 25 packages (25 new), Size of downloads: 15,200 KiB

!!! The following installed packages are masked:
- media-libs/fdk-aac-2.0.2::media-kit (masked by: FraunhoferFDK license(s))
A copy of the 'FraunhoferFDK' license is located at '/var/git/meta-repo/kits/media-kit/licenses/FraunhoferFDK'.

For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

And we can install dependencies from Macaroni repositories with this bashing:

$> anise i pkgs-checker-minimal
$> anise i $(for i in $(emerge cloud-init -p --quiet --color n --onlydeps 2>/dev/null | grep "ebuild" | awk '{ print $4 }'); do pkgs-checker pkg info $i -j | jq '.name' -r   ; done )
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿง  Solving install tree...
๐Ÿฆ [  1 of  25] [N] app-admin/metalog::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - 20200113
๐Ÿฆ [  2 of  25] [N] dev-python/blinker::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.6.3
๐Ÿฆ [  3 of  25] [N] dev-python/chardet::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 5.2.0
๐Ÿฆ [  4 of  25] [N] dev-python/charset_normalizer::macaroni-phoenix-testing       - 3.3.0
๐Ÿฆ [  5 of  25] [N] dev-python/configobj::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 5.0.8
๐Ÿฆ [  6 of  25] [N] dev-python/cryptography::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 41.0.4
๐Ÿฆ [  7 of  25] [N] dev-python/flit_core::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 3.9.0
๐Ÿฆ [  8 of  25] [N] dev-python/gpep517::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 15
๐Ÿฆ [  9 of  25] [N] dev-python/installer::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 0.5.1+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 10 of  25] [N] dev-python/jsonpatch::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 1.23
๐Ÿฆ [ 11 of  25] [N] dev-python/jsonpointer::macaroni-phoenix-testing              - 2.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 12 of  25] [N] dev-python/oauthlib::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 3.0.1
๐Ÿฆ [ 13 of  25] [N] dev-python/pyjwt::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 2.8.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 14 of  25] [N] dev-python/pyopenssl::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - 23.2.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 15 of  25] [N] dev-python/pyserial::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 3.4
๐Ÿฆ [ 16 of  25] [N] dev-python/requests::macaroni-phoenix-testing                 - 2.31.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 17 of  25] [N] dev-python/semantic_version::macaroni-phoenix-testing         - 2.10.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 18 of  25] [N] dev-python/setuptools-rust::macaroni-phoenix-testing          - 1.7.0+1
๐Ÿฆ [ 19 of  25] [N] dev-python/urllib3::macaroni-phoenix-testing                  - 1.26.15
๐Ÿฆ [ 20 of  25] [N] dev-python/wheel::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - 0.41.2
๐Ÿฆ [ 21 of  25] [N] net-analyzer/macchanger::macaroni-phoenix-testing             - 1.7.0
๐Ÿฆ [ 22 of  25] [N] sys-fs/growpart::macaroni-phoenix-testing                     - 0.0.30
๐Ÿฆ [ 23 of  25] [N] virtual/logger::macaroni-phoenix-testing                      - 0
๐Ÿฆ [ 24 of  25] [N] virtual/python-enum34::macaroni-phoenix-testing               - 2
๐Ÿฆ [ 25 of  25] [N] virtual/python-ipaddress::macaroni-phoenix-testing            - 1.0
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 69337 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: y

And later:

$> emerge cloud-init -t

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N     ] app-admin/cloud-init-23.3.2::core-server-kit  USE="-systemd -test" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_9 -python3_10 -python3_7 -python3_8" 5,605 KiB


>>> Installing (1 of 1) app-admin/cloud-init-23.3.2::core-server-kit
 * cloud-init-local needs to be run in the boot runlevel because it
 * modifies services in the default runlevel.  When a runlevel is started
 * it is cached, so modifications that happen to the current runlevel
 * while you are in it are not acted upon.

>>> Recording app-admin/cloud-init in "world" favorites file...

 * Messages for package app-admin/cloud-init-23.3.2:

 * cloud-init-local needs to be run in the boot runlevel because it
 * modifies services in the default runlevel.  When a runlevel is started
 * it is cached, so modifications that happen to the current runlevel
 * while you are in it are not acted upon.
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

NOTE: On using emerge it’s possible that you will catch some warning about the COUNTER available in the packages installed by anise, but this happens because the value is related to the build process and not to the installed order. Probably, in the near future could be a good idea to set the COUNTER to zero for all Macaroni packages.

5. Sync the packages installed with emerge to Macaroni database #

To sync the package installed with emerge to anise database you need to have installed the anise-portage-converter package.

So, if it isn’t present just run this command:

$> anise i anise-portage-converter
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿง  Solving install tree...
๐Ÿฆ [  1 of   1] [N] macaroni/anise-portage-converter::macaroni-commons-testing    - 0.14.3
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 3034 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: y
๐Ÿšš Downloading 1 packages...
๐Ÿ“ฆ [  1 of   1] macaroni/anise-portage-converter::macaroni-commons-testing        - 0.14.3          # downloaded โœ”
๐Ÿง  Sorting 1 packages operations...
๐Ÿป Executing 1 packages operations...
๐Ÿฐ [  1 of   1] macaroni/anise-portage-converter::macaroni-commons-testing        - 0.14.3          # installed โœ”
๐ŸŽŠ All done.

And later sync the package to the database, eventually running the same command with --dry-run to verify the behavior before propagate the change:

$> anise-portage-converter sync --dry-run
[   5/ 833] [app-admin/cloud-init] Package with version 23.3.2 not found on anise database.
[   5/ 833] [app-admin/cloud-init] 23.3.2 candidated for sync โœ”๏ธ

In the output the number 5 means that the package is the fifth analyzed among a total of 883 packages present in the /var/db/pkg directory.

To complete the sync to the anise database:

$> anise-portage-converter sync
[   5/ 833] [app-admin/cloud-init] Package with version 23.3.2 not found on anise database.
[   5/ 833] [app-admin/cloud-init] 23.3.2 added โœ”๏ธ

$> anise s --installed cloud-init

Normally, after that sync if the package is available with the same version the solver tries to replace it with the Macaroni repository because the package hash doesn’t match with the value calculated from the metadata of the Macaroni repository:

$> luet upgrade
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿค” Computing upgrade, please hang tight... ๐Ÿ’ค 
๐ŸŽ‰ Upgrades:
๐Ÿฌ [  1 of   5] [U] app-admin/cloud-init::macaroni-phoenix-testing                - *23.3.2 [23.3.2::scm]
๐Ÿง [  2 of   5] [U] macaroni/whip-catalog::macaroni-commons-testing               - 0.20231107 [0.20231104+1]
๐Ÿง [  3 of   5] [U] sys-fs/fuse-exfat::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - *1.3.0+1 [1.3.0+1]
๐Ÿง [  4 of   5] [U] sys-process/htop::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - *3.2.2 [3.2.2]
๐Ÿง [  5 of   5] [U] system/luet-geaaru-testing::mottainai-testing                 - 0.40.1 [0.40.0]
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 35608 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: N

If the package installed with emerge (identified by the scm repository) has a version greather than the version available in the Macaroni repository the solver will skipp the replace if the --deep option is not used.

Instead, if you want to avoid upgrade of the package app-admin/cloud-init and to maintain the compiled version you can mask the package:

$> mkdir -p /etc/luet/mask.d || true
$> echo "
enabled: true
  - app-admin/cloud-init
" > /etc/luet/mask.d/00-mymask.yml

And later the package will not be candidates for the upgrade:

$> luet upgrade
๐Ÿš€ Luet 0.40.0-geaaru-geaef4995d713afd2937c67f255dff229e555eba8 2023-11-03 10:10:38 UTC - go1.20.3
๐Ÿ  Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   11 - 2023-10-22 21:25:30 +0200 CEST
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-commons-testing Revision:  194 - 2023-11-07 23:12:45 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:       macaroni-phoenix-testing Revision: 1043 - 2023-11-10 15:20:40 +0100 CET
๐Ÿ  Repository:              mottainai-testing Revision:  113 - 2023-11-06 19:36:11 +0100 CET
๐Ÿค” Computing upgrade, please hang tight... ๐Ÿ’ค 
๐ŸŽ‰ Upgrades:
๐Ÿง [  1 of   4] [U] macaroni/whip-catalog::macaroni-commons-testing               - 0.20231107 [0.20231104+1]
๐Ÿง [  2 of   4] [U] sys-fs/fuse-exfat::macaroni-phoenix-testing                   - *1.3.0+1 [1.3.0+1]
๐Ÿง [  3 of   4] [U] sys-process/htop::macaroni-phoenix-testing                    - *3.2.2 [3.2.2]
๐Ÿง [  4 of   4] [U] system/luet-geaaru-testing::mottainai-testing                 - 0.40.1 [0.40.0]
๐Ÿ’‚ Checking for file conflicts...
โœ”๏ธ  No conflicts found (executed in 779 ยตs).
Do you want to continue with this operation? [y/N]: 

The rules could be mapped to a specific repository too, for example, app-admin/cloud-init::macaroni-phoenix-testing, or for a specific version, for example =app-admin/cloud-init-23.3.2. With this last configuration could be good to keep the version with the patch and installed with emerge until a new version will be available from Macaroni.
