Frequently Asked Questions

1. How update Macaroni Repositories URLs?

In the last period due to the changes in the new domain and the stabilization of the Macaroni infra there are been a lot of changes in the repository URLs. Working with donated resources and/or free resources has the consequence that the changes could happen.

So, I will describe the better way to upgrade safe our repositories.

a) leave only the geaaru-repo-index repository enabled. This means to call luet repo disable for all others repositories

$# luet repo disable macaroni-commons mottainai-stable macaroni-funtoo

$# luet repo list --enabled
  Macaroni OS Repository Index
  Revision     4 - 2023-02-25 10:32:39 +0000 -00
  Priority     1 - Type http

b) At this point, it’s possible update the repository and get the new urls:

$# luet repo update
🏠 Repository:              geaaru-repo-index Revision:   4 - 2023-02-25 10:32:39 +0000 -00
$# luet upgrade

The upgrade creates the files /etc/luet/repos.conf.d/._cfg_<repo>.yml that could be merged with the command etc-update (in the old system) or with the command macaronictl etc-update in the more updated systems.

After the upgrade and the merge of the new configs the system is ready for the updates: luet repo update and luet upgrade.

It’s possible check the repositories urls with:

# luet repo list --urls --enabled
  Geaaru Repository index
  Revision     4 - 2023-02-25 10:32:39 +0000 UTC
  Priority     1 - Type http
  Macaroni OS Commons Development Repository
  Revision   129 - 2023-03-03 22:16:31 +0000 UTC
  Priority    10 - Type http
  Macaroni OS Funtoo Eagle Develop Repository
  Revision   452 - 2023-02-26 11:14:32 +0000 UTC
  Priority     2 - Type http
  Mottainai Development Repository
  Revision    72 - 2023-02-25 23:47:52 +0000 UTC
  Priority    10 - Type http
  Mottainai official Repository
  Revision    72 - 2023-02-25 23:47:52 +0000 UTC
  Priority    30 - Type http

2. What to do after the upgrade of the luet binary?

I leave this point in the FAQ because I began to rewrite the Macaroni PMS and until I will rewrite the luet-build binary the luet repo update command executes some post-fetch operations on the downloaded tree to speed up the research, and to have the files used by the new solver available in the luet version 0.33.0 and followed.

So, after the upgrade of luet there are two things that is better to do:

$# luet database reindex

This will rebuild the Bolt Database indexes and

$# luet repo update --force

that download and executes again the post-fetch hooks in the downloaded tree.

One of the errors reported by the users when is not executed a full fetch of the Macaroni repositories after the upgrade is this:

🤔 Computing upgrade, please hang tight... 💤
Error: Package net-libs-4/webkit not found on map

3. Why luet search doesn’t return packages?

Excluding the search of the packages installed, i mean with the --installed option, the luet search command works only when the enabled repositories are been synced.

It’s just needed to download one time the repositories tree and then all works fine.

$# luet repo update

$# luet s macaronictl

# luet s portage-converter