After receiving the first notifications we caught an issue in our last ISOs related to the split of the Grub package done to divide the grub-emu binary. It’s been removed for error the Grub’s patches related to ext4 1.47.0 and of Macaroni initramfs naming.
Without the patch the default installation fails on setup grub because
it’s used ext4 and an unknown filesystem
error is generated by grub.
The new ISOs will be available in two days.
Unlucky, to build the ISOs with the stable repositories at the moment we need to wait that the stable repositories to be synced to our CDN and main mirror.
We have planned to integrate the repetitors
feature to luet
that will permit to reduce the outgoing traffic when it’s used
Macaroni for CD/CI and for us, to test stable repository before
sync it to master.
All ISOs will be with ZRAM enabled by default.
Sorry for this issue.
Behind this fix, I fixed the URL reported in the Calamares installer
that was yet with the old domain
See previous post for the details about changes.
We waiting for you
We waiting for you in our Discord Server.
Many thanks to all Funtoo devs that are the sap of all this and to all people that helps us with testing and donations.
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